Sports and Activities in Serifos
The rocky ground of Serifos, the sandy beaches, the strong summer winds and the diverse sea-bed offer countless possibilities for several sport activities.

Walk around the Hiking Paths of Serifos
The entire island is full of narrow and short hiking paths, which wait for the aspiring travelers to enjoy them. Many of these paths, running on the perimeter of Serifos island, lead to many magical little bays and beautiful retreats for the lovers of adventure or those who wish to explore the island inch by inch.

Boating, Fishing and Snorkeling or Diving in Serifos
In Serifos you will find some of the most beautiful beaches of the Agean Sea. Even though many of them have road access, reaching some beaches means following scenic trekkable or stony paths while others are accessible only by boat.

Sea Sports in Serifos
Most of these beaches are ideal for windsurfing. However, we suggest that you practice this sport only at the beaches of Livadi and Livadakia, which are controlled by the Port Authorities.